Dalian start the operation of bus from Dalian to Vladivostok, it become the first international coach route in Liaoning province, and also promote the mutual exchanges between Russia and China.
According to the preliminary research, there are about 70,000 Russian people visit the port city of Dalian annually for shopping, recreation, as well as traditional Chinese medicine treatment. They travelled from Vladivostok to Dalian via Beijing or Harbin, with an expensive travelling expense.
Apart from that, the international coach line will be run by four luxury buses with 45-passenger quota each. At the beginning of the operation, the bus will run twice a week with a flexible time schedule. When the passenger cultivation develops to a certain extent, the bus will adopt the fixed time operation mode.
The city’s transportation group is also planning to open an international coach line from Dalian to Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
According to the company, the seats provided in the bus are wide and comfortable enough to accommodate 18 hours journey. The bus also equipped with bathroom, television, water for drinking. The bus also provide other facilities (slippers, pillows, blankets, wifi, etc). There will be dining area too, however, we suggest you to bring your own food and drink.
Operating lines:
- Distance: 1547 km
- Time length: 18 hours
- Starting time: 6 AM every Wednesday and Saturday
- Where to buy ticket and the station: 北岗桥长途汽车总站 (Běi gǎng qiáo chángtú qìchē zǒngzhàn)
- Ticket Price
- Single Journey: 980 RMB
- Round Trip: 1900 RMB
大连(Dàlián)—沈阳(shěnyáng)g15—沈阳绕城高速(shěnyáng rào chéng gāosù)g1501—g1212沈吉高速(chén jí gāosù)—g1201吉林绕城高速(jílín rào chéng gāosù)—g12江延高速(jiāng yán gāosù)—敦化出口进入(dūnhuà chūkǒu jìnrù)g201—g11鹤大高速(hè dà gāosù)—g10绥满高速(suí mǎn gāosù)—绥芬河口进入(suífēnhé kǒu jìnrù)g301—a184—m60—海参崴(hǎishēnwǎi)/Vladivostok
For non Russian, you can check http://www.rcsy.org/Visas_to_Russia.html in order to see the requirement to obtain visa.