Donggang Music Fountain Officially Opens 东港音乐喷泉正式“开喷”

Good news!

Donggang Musical Fountain has finally opened. From September 1st to October 7th, two performances are performed each night, respectively at 19:00 - 19:20 / 20:30 - 20:50.



So, instead of operating during summer, this fountain operates as soon as autumn begins. Interesting, isn't it?


When the musical fountain begins operating, visitors are expected to crowd the site. In order to prevent traffic congestions, Bus13路 is provided to facilitate the viewers.


In addition, since this is an outdoor performance, it is definetely going to be affected by the weather. Please subscribe to "大连东港音乐喷泉 (

Dàlián Dōnggǎng Yīnyuè Pēnquán)" WeChat official account to get updated about the performance!
