Taiwan Legalized Same-Sex Marriage 台湾同性婚姻合法化

Networking Events lovechina0401 发表于 2017/05/26 06:20

Taiwan’s Constitutional Court on Wednesday ruled in favor of allowing same-sex marriage, paving the way for the island to become the first place in Asia to legalize same-sex unions and cementing its status as a beacon for LGBT rights. 

The court in Taipei found that the island’s Civil Code, which states that only a man and a woman can marry, violated constitutional guarantees. It gave the legislature two years to amend the Civil Code.

The decision is a victory for Taiwan’s LGBT activists, who have fought for decades for marriage equality, inspiring similar struggles across Asia and elsewhere. 

Love is Love.台湾成为亚洲第一个同性婚姻合法的地区。台湾司法院大法官今日宣布,现行的《民法》未允许同性婚姻违宪,立法院需于2年内完成修正和制定,逾期未完成修法则比照现行婚姻自动生效,最晚2019年5月24日同性就可以结婚了!

Source: The Washington Post

