24 Hours Gastrointestinal Emergency Clinics 医院肠道门诊将24小时接诊

Local News lovechina0401 发表于 2017/07/10 00:19

屏幕快照 2017-07-10 上午8.18.26.png

Summer is the season of gastrointestinal diseases outbreaks. During summer, food deteriorates fast, and we all like to cool down in front of a blowing fan, which makes it really easy for us to get sick. In order to facilitate the public treatment, from July 1 to September 30, more than two medical institutions in Dalian will set up intestinal outpatient will open 24 hours gastrointestinal outpatient emergency clinics.


Warm Tips: Although summer is hot, do not drink too much cold beverages; pay attention to the freshness of your food.

