City Buses Which Numbers Begin With 5 and 9 Implement New Travel Policy 5、9开头的公交线路特殊人群优惠乘车

Local News lovechina0401 published at 2017/07/21 06:22

屏幕快照 2017-07-21 下午2.21.47.png

From July 17 onwards, the city's buses which numbers start with 5 and 9 fully implement the national provinces and cities prefential treatment of the elderly and disabled people travel policy. Disabled people can take the bus for free with a special card, 60~69 years olds can ride the bus with half price with old age car card, and 70 years olds or above can take free rides with the elderly card. Bus company service hotline: 968600; city customer service tel: 83631105.


Source: Xīnwén dàlián


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