Russian Far East E-Visa Granted for 42 Chinese Citizens 俄外交部专网运行首日42名中国公民获赴远东电子签证

Local News lovechina0401 published at 2017/08/21 00:23

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Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East announced that, on the first day of operation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website, a total of 90 foreign citizens are granted electronic visa to the Far East free port.


"Chinese and Japanese citizens have the greatest demand for electronic visas, and there are currently 42 Chinese citizens and 38 Japanese citizens who have already received an electronic visa," said Aleksandr Galushka, the Minister of the Development of the Russian Far East.


At present, it is possible to enter Russia through Vladivostok Maritime Checkpoint and Vladivostok International Airport with an electronic visa. Foreign citizens can apply for a business, travel or humanitarian visa. Starting from January 2018, four similar checkpoints will be opened in the Kamchatka Peninsula and Sakhalin.


Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a legal document on the implementation of a simplified visa system in Vladivostok's Freeport area and in some parts of the Russian Far East in March. The electronic visa is valid for 30 days from the date of processing and is allowed to stay for up to 8 days in Russian territory.


Source: Sōuhú Xīnwén 


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