Traffic Safety: Illegal Crossings, Drivers Disrespecting Pedestrians, All Will be Fined! 交通安全:行人乱穿马路、开车不礼让行人,统统要罚款!

Local News lovechina0401 published at 2017/08/25 06:17

屏幕快照 2017-08-25 下午2.16.46.png

Colored TextAlthough this is a somewhat sensitive topic, we know we need to bring this up sooner or later. This is just the right time to do so.


You might have noticed how messy the traffic in China can be. Every time you decide to hit the road for whatever reason, you will see people crossing the road in the wrong place. But pedestrians are not the only ones you see misbehaving, because in every corner of the street, you see drivers being too proud to give pedestrians a chance to get themselves moving to the other side of the road. It seems as if the pedestrians don't know how traffic works, and the drivers don't bother to acknowledge the existence of another road users.

Fortunately, Dalian is doing something to clean up this mess. In order to stop this craziness, Dalian traffic police will crack down on these two types of phenomena and will give relevant penalties. Details as follows:

Pedestrian road-crossing:

Pedestrians who cross the road in the wrong place and in the wrong time will be fined 50 - 200 RMB penalty. In each intersection, the law enforcement education will be carried out for offending persons to learn on the spot, copy traffic laws and watch traffic safety propaganda films.

Drivers disrespecting pedestrians (at zebra cross):

The traffic police department is installing more than 50 installation and capture systems. Any act of showing off a zebra crossing to a captured vehicle will be fined 200 RMB and 3 points penalty.







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