【万圣节】Pumpkin to Jack-O-Lantern in 8 Easy Steps 🎃 8步做出南瓜灯!

2016-10-25 大牛 dalianlaowai dalianlaowai

Content Exchange: Culturalbility文化力

With All Hallow's Eve less than seven days away, Happy Halloween Week everyone!

What about your Halloween decorations?

This guy really understands the holiday spirit~

If you don't feel like getting THAT much into it, how about at least a simple jack-o-lantern?



nán guā dēng 



And just for you, here's a quick and easy 'how-to' guide for making jack-o-lanterns that you can share with all of the ayis in your life and enjoy this wonderful holiday together~

(Yes, you can get pumpkins in China! Ask the veggie lady at your local market for the biggest one she can find... it probably won't be big.)

Step 1: Gather Supplies


南瓜 nán guā

Strong knife

强厨房刀 qiáng chú fáng dāo


勺子 sháo zǐ


报纸 bào zhǐ



Whiteboard marker

白板笔 bái bǎn bǐ

Tea candles

茶蜡烛 chá là zhú


打火机 dǎ huǒ jī

Step 2: Cut a hole in the top

Cut a hole around the stem at about a 45 degree angle towards the center of the pumpkin big enough for your candle to fit through.

WARNING - If the cut isn't at an angle the stem will fall into the pumpkin.

WARNING - Save the stem.




Step 3: Pull out and cut off

Ensure the hole is big enough for your candle and cut off the bottom pumpkin goo to be nice and smooth.

It should fit back on the pumpkin perfectly.


Step 4: Clean out the insides

Using the spoon, scoop out the seeds and pulp (the orange stringy material inside the pumpkin) and put it in the bowl...

This will make a great snack for later! 🙌🏼


Step 5: Nice & clean!

Ensure the inside of the pumpkin is smooth and clean and ready for carving.

Also double check that the cover still fits well in the top of the pumpkin.



Step 6: Draw your design

On the best-looking side of the pumpkin (but in the dark it doesn't really matter, does it?), sketch the desired face or design of your jack-o-lantern with the whiteboard marker.

It can be literally anything you want it to be!


Step 7: Carefully carve

Using the strong knife, safely cut at a perpendicular angle along chosen design. Remove loose pieces of the pumpkin and discard them in to the bowl.

Note: wipe off the extra marks when finished cutting out the design.



Step 8: Light the candle

Light the candle with the lighter and place inside your lovely jack-o-lantern. Put the stem back on the top.


Step 9: Turn off the lights!

Place the jack-o-lantern where you want it and turn off the lights~


Send us a photo of your final creation! We'd love to see what creative designs you've come up with...

Here are some ideas to get your noggin' movin':

Oh, and don't party too hard this weekend~


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