6 Foreign Films Release in China, Jan. 2017 | 本月即将上映的外国电影

2017-01-05 大牛 dalianlaowai dalianlaowai

Content Exchange: Culturalbility文化力

2016 is finally over! Phew! As the cold, polluted season continues, let's go to the movies~ Look past the people using their cell phones and tune out the crying babies behind you - this month's film released are ON POINT.

As we all know, China allows just a few dozen non-Chinese films into its plateauing movie market on an annual basis and now the slate is clean for a brand new year.

Remember, all movies are subject to change, so if you're planning a date, it's always smart to double-check ahead of time. But mark your calendars and buy your tickets now!

Go here for help buying tickets: How to Buy Cinema Ticket through WeChat Wallet

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Bridget Jones's Baby


dān shēn rì jì:hǎo yùn lái xí

Director: Sharon Maguire

Actors: Renée Zellweger, Colin Firth, Patrick Dempsey

China Release Date: Sunday, Jan. 1, 2017

导演: 沙朗·马奎尔

主演: 蕾妮·泽尔维格 / 科林·费尔斯 / 帕特里克·德姆西 / 吉姆·布劳德本特 / 艾玛·汤普森

中国大陆上映日期: 2017-1-01(周日)

Just another foray into Bridget Jones's exciting comedic world. In this rom-com, Bridget's focus on single life and her career is interrupted when she finds herself pregnant, but with one hitch... she can only be fifty percent sure of the identity of her baby's father. So instead of using communication methods like "talking" or actually getting a paternity test, the movie draws out the love triangle as far as it can. If you like romantic comedies, you might like this one.

布里切特·琼斯(蕾妮·泽尔维格 Renée Zellweger 饰)偶然邂逅了帅气的亿万富翁杰克(帕特里克·德姆西 Patrick Dempsey 饰),同时,与她有着复杂情史的达西先生(柯林·费尔斯 Colin Firth 饰)也重新回她的身边。两个完美男人同时闯入布里切特的生活,并且给她带来了一个巨大的“惊喜”,让她深陷甜蜜的烦恼之中。而布里切特的真命天子究竟是谁呢?

Trailer 预告片:(中文字幕)

Friday, January 6, 2017

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story


xīng qiú dà zhàn wài chuán:xiá dào yī hào

Director: Gareth Edwards

Actors: Felicity Jones, Diego Luna, Alan Tudyk, Forest Whitaker, Donnie Yen, Wen Jiang

China Release Date: Friday, Jan. 6, 2017

导演: 加里斯·爱德华斯

主演: 菲丽希缇·琼斯 / 迭戈·鲁纳 / 甄子丹 / 本·门德尔森 / 麦斯·米科尔森

中国大陆上映日期: 2017-1-06(周五)

The one we've all been waiting for! Ever wondered how the rebels got the plans for the destruction of the Death Star? This movie explains everything! Expect new planets and new characters, as well as some returning favorites. My only question is, who will say the line "I've got a bad feeling about this"!? Every single one of us will definitely be going to see this film in 4DX CGV.

**Join our Wechat Group CultureClass to discuss the cultural implications behind this film franchise! Add our group moderator "dk-culturalbility" and ask to join the "STARWARS" group~ Or simply type "starwars" in our account for the QR code...


Trailer 预告片:(中文字幕)

Friday, January 6, 2017



wán mìng zhí bō

Directors: Henry Joost, Ariel Schulman

Actors: Emma Roberts, Dave Franco, Emily Meade

China Release Date: Friday, Jan. 6, 2017

导演: 亨利·朱斯特 / 阿里尔·舒曼

主演: 艾玛·罗伯茨 / 戴夫·弗兰科 / 艾米丽·梅德 / 迈尔斯·赫尔泽 / 朱丽叶特·刘易斯

中国大陆上映日期: 2017-1-06(周四)

Tough competition for Star Wars this year. Not. A high school senior finds herself immersed in an online game of truth or dare, where her every move starts to become manipulated by an anonymous community of "watchers." Will we go see it? Probably not unless we're a high school senior ourselves. Or a Dave Franco fangirl.

  高中女生Vee(艾玛·罗伯茨 Emma Roberts 饰)是个平凡无奇的乖乖女,平日最大的乐趣就是“窥视”学校里的男神JP。她的好友Sydney正沉迷于这个直播游戏里,为了吸引观看者而作出种种大胆行为。受其影响,平日习惯于当旁观者的Vee,也加入了这个直播游戏,成为了“玩家”。她的第一项冒险,就是亲吻一个陌生人。挑战成功后,她才发现这个陌生人Ian(戴夫·弗兰科 Dave Franco 饰)也是游戏玩家之一。他们俩的大冒险直播,从刚开始的好玩刺激,到逐渐走向失控。他们必须携手逃出这场玩命直播……

Friday, January 13, 2017

Eye in the Sky


tiān kōng zhī yǎn

Director: Gavin Hood

Actors: Helen Mirren, Aaron Paul, Alan Rickman, Barkhad Abdi

China Release Date: Friday, Jan. 13, 2017

导演: 加文·胡德

主演: 海伦·米伦 / 亚伦·保尔 / 艾伦·瑞克曼 / 巴克德·阿巴蒂 / 杰瑞米·诺森

中国大陆上映日期: 2017-1-13(周五)

Helen Mirren... check. Aaron Paul... check. Barkhad Abdi (the Somali captain from Captain Phillips)... check. One of Alan Rickman's last movies before he died last year? Check check check check!

Col. Katherine Powell (Mirren), a military officer in command of an operation to capture terrorists in Kenya, sees her mission escalate when a girl enters the kill zone triggering an international dispute over the implications of modern warfare.

Yes, please!

凯瑟琳上校(海伦·米伦 Helen Mirren 饰)率英国情报单位追捕一名女性恐怖分子长达六年,经由美军加入高空监视行动,好不容易在秘密基地找到疑似她的身影,特种部队准备活捉她时,高空侦查人员却意外发现该名恐怖分子正与其他人密谋自杀炸弹攻击,为了防止伤害,凯瑟琳下令轰炸秘密基地将敌人歼灭。当无人战斗机的驾驶员史蒂夫(亚伦·保尔 Aaron Paul 饰)瞄准目标后,却发现这个“秘密基地”竟然是普通的民居,而一名女孩更是跑进他的攻击范围玩耍,原本单纯的跨国逮捕行动瞬间变成复杂难解的反恐任务……

Friday, January 13, 2017



tài kōng lǚ kè 

Director: Morten Tyldum

Actors: Chris Pratt, Jennifer Lawrence, Michael Sheen, Laurence Fishburne

China Release Date: Friday, Jan. 13, 2017

导演: 莫滕·泰杜姆

主演: 克里斯·普拉特 / 詹妮弗·劳伦斯 / 麦克·辛 / 劳伦斯·菲什伯恩 / 因德尔·库马尔

中国大陆上映日期: 2017-1-13(周五)

A spacecraft traveling to a distant colony planet and transporting thousands of people has a malfunction in its sleep chambers. As a result, two passengers are awakened 90 years early. Sounds fun, we have absolutely NO idea what could possibly happen between these two pretty "passengers" who are all alone in outer space... 😓  And yes, I'll be first in line at the IMAX down the street.

电影《太空旅客》由《模仿游戏》导演莫腾·泰杜姆掌镜,《普罗米修斯》编剧乔·斯派茨操刀剧本,是克里斯·帕拉特和詹妮弗·劳伦斯两人的首次银幕合作。故事背景设定在遥远的未来,一艘运送数千人到遥远殖民地星球的太空飞船发生了技术故障,让本该再沉睡90年的乘客Jim Preston(克里斯·普拉特 Chris Pratt 饰)与Aurora(詹妮弗·劳伦斯 Jennifer Lawrence 饰)提前从冬眠中醒来。孤独的太空旅行中,两位孤独的乘客开始相识相爱,但之后他们发现乘坐的飞船中还存在着更严重的隐患,甚至会危及所有人的生命,而拯救5000名乘客的任务就落到他们两人肩上。

Trailer 预告片:(中文字幕)

Friday, January 13, 2017

Kubo and the Two Strings

mó xián chuán shuō

Director: Travis Knight

Actors: Charlize Theron, Art Parkinson, Matthew McConaughey

China Release Date: Friday, Jan. 13, 2017

导演: 特拉维斯·奈特

主演: 查理兹·塞隆 / 阿特·帕金森 / 拉尔夫·费因斯 / 鲁妮·玛拉 / 竹井乔治

中国大陆上映日期: 2017-1-13(周五)

In this classic Japanese story, Kubo lives a quiet, normal life in a small shoreside village until a spirit from the past turns his life upside down by re-igniting an age-old vendetta. This causes all sorts of havoc as gods and monsters chase Kubo who, in order to survive, must locate a magical suit of armor once worn by his late father, a legendary Samurai warrior.

This critically acclaimed magical story is a must-see for all moviegoers and we hear the animation and music are unmatched.


Which ones are you most excited to see this month?


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