Humans of Dalian - Daniel(中英文版)

DalianLaowai dalianlaowai

Hey, Dalian Laowai!

Today we would like to introduce you to one guy known as a talented photographer. Previously, he helped us to make the project called “Dalian on Frames”, but this time we have decided to tell his story as a singer.  



Humans of Dalian - Dalian on Frames(中英文版)

Humans of Dalian - Dalian on Frames(中英文版)

Daniel Lukogho Banamuhere, Democratic Republic of the Congo


I grew up in a Christian family made up of 8 people, 4 men and 4 ladies. Among them, I am the youngest. My father is a good pianist and singer; my mother is a very good singer; the eldest of the family is a good composer; and my 3 other big sisters are also involved in music with one of them already completing her studies at the National Institute of Arts. Therefore, both art and music flow in our veins. Until the age of 15, I was not able to sing or play any instrument because I was busy with other things. While sisters were performing with great Gospel singers in Congo, I was really in my own world …


It was the year 2008 when, after receiving Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, my art gift started to show up. I began playing the piano and my sister Michelle showed me some basic techniques. Then, I took some lessons from a teacher for only one month: indeed, he had to leave the country for another job opportunity, so I had to keep learning alone. I started trying to combine some singing while playing the piano, but my sisters were always laughing at me so I used to run in the car and cry.  


I didn't have the opportunity to learn how to read music. Now you will probably be asking: "How can you play the piano without being able to read the music sheet?" I think it's a gift because I can just listen to a song to know how to play it. So, I can play a melody at the piano without having the music sheet in front of me...


And, instead of crying every time, I took this as an encouragement to go further with music. At the beginning, it was not meant to glorify God but just to prove something to my sisters. 


2 years later, God opened doors to my Father as he got a job as ambassador of the DRC in Burundi. I was the youngest so I had to go with them, and that's where God started working in me. I joined the choir of a French church and I was a second pianist. After a few months, I asked if I could try singing while playing piano so, during a Tuesday rehearsal, I was asked to present a song to see if I had the voice for singing. Since I was really shy, I had to close my eyes and sing. When I had finished singing, not only everyone was so surprised and shocked, but our leader also directly scheduled me for the Sunday service to present a solo song. 



I was telling myself: "Wow I'm going to be standing in front of more than 3000 people," and honestly, I was really, really afraid that day but many people were blessed.


Since that day, I realized that there is more than just singing and people cheering. In music, there is a greater, deeper level. While acquiring this awareness, I went to my country several times for holiday. Here, I was invited to a lot of churches and even to a big church women's conference for all the country to give a testimony and present a song. After singing, it was incredible to see everybody moved and in tears because of my performance.


I have made my choice, and understood that God gave me these talents to change the world, to glorify his name because lives are being transformed, people are sending me messages saying "I was listening to your song and I can't stop feelling such a peace when you sing , hope by listening to you..." 


Before coming to Dalian I was wondering if I would have been able to find a full Gospel church in the city. In this occasion, I had proof God loves his children so much that he plans everything ahead for them. After arriving here in Dalian, I was blessed to be welcomed by such a big family as the DICF Church where I am one of the song leaders, as well as pianist and bassist.


And, as I like to say, I've seen so many things with God that I am not ashamed of my identity as a Christian artist , I am not ashamed to say that I love Jesus, I am not ashamed to serve in the church as a young person because 7 years ago, all these gifts were not manifested in me. It was only after my conversion that the Lord began to bring them all out on the surface, so WITHOUT JESUS I AM NOTHING, WITHOUT JESUS I CAN NOTHING, without him I HAVE NOTHING.


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