All bus routes info in Dalian

Guidelines lovechina0401 published at 2017/05/26 08:22

Dalian Laowai does everything to make your life in Dalian easier and happier. For this reason, we created a map of bus routes of Dalian in "pinyin"! At the current moment we have maps with the first thirty routes: from bus №1 to bus №30, and more routes are coming soon.

Here we provide a brief tutorial about how to use the auto reply system on WeChat:

1. Follow us on wechat directly or by seaching 'dalianlaowai'

2. Use the key words, such as "bus", please type it in the text line

3. Input bus number

Aslo, you can use the key word "bus-all" to check which bus routes are avaliable.

Sincerely yours,

Dalian Laowai

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