Sleeping Chinese Bank Cards Will Be Cancelled 半年内无交易的银行账户将被撤销

Local News lovechina0401 published at 2017/07/21 06:04

From late 2016, Chinese government required Chinese banks to more strictly regulate bank accounts. In responding to the regulation, Chinese banks start to clean out certain 'sleeping bank cards' from July 15th, 2017.

What is "sleeping bank cards"?

According to the banking regulations, the definition of 'sleeping bank card' is a card wich has zero remaining balance, and has been inactive in a period of 7 months to 18 years (varies from banks to banks).

Until 2016, all Chinese banks totally had been releasing 6.37 billion pieces of bank cards, but there are 2.19 pieces 'sleeping bank cards'. 

屏幕快照 2017-07-21 下午2.03.27.png






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