Hi Early Adopters

Feedbacks harry published at 2015/10/29 07:53last from vvijay83 2016/12/30 03:32


This is Harry, founder of this place. We have build up this place recently and invite you as early adopter to produce and consume content and give feedback to us.  

for why:  http://community.dalianlaowai.com/about/

we send out 15 invitations in total. so if you see this post, it means we take you and your ideas seriously.

Thanks, Harry

In total 16 replies
EstellaLi 2015/10/29 09:29 #1

What are you expecting from the feedbacks? Please be as specific as possible. Not sure if it is just me, when I try to create a new topic, it takes up to a minute to pop up the new page. Are you having the same experience?

harry 2015/10/29 09:31 #2

@EstellaLi in general, 1) what would you expect from it; 2) Is it easy to use or not; 3) All else.

harry 2015/10/29 09:32 #3

@EstellaLi when I try to create a new topic, it takes up to a minute to pop up the new page >> We are good. Don't have this issue yet.

harry 2015/10/29 09:48 #4

Can you guys upload your profile photos?

Oyebra 2015/11/06 09:08 #5

Ey Harry!

Sorry for being late on the feedback. Once again you guys are doing a great job! It is a very useful resource for us so,

Thanks! ;)

Cosmoathena 2015/11/06 09:43 #6

I'd love to post my photo,but very limited use for mobile version

harry 2015/11/06 11:12 #7

@Cosmoathena we are working on that part.

lion0519 2015/11/07 09:39 #8

Hi, Harry. Good job! Excellent!

harry 2015/11/07 09:59 #9

@Cosmoathena now you can upload photos from mobile browsers.

peter 2015/11/13 12:54 #10

good job!

Coutinho 2015/11/15 13:26 #11

how can we delete our post?

harry 2015/11/16 00:42 #12

@Coutinho we don't provide a delete for user. so that they have to think before they post. but if you need to delete something. please @Harry or add my wechat luhe1987. we will do it for you.

vvijay83 2016/12/27 04:31 #13

@Harry Excellent website i came across, there used to be several websites like Dalianexpat.com, weliveindalian.com few years ago - but now they aren't anymore. So i find this site is a great replacement, you already have created several articles to assist foreigners on bus routes, metros, wallet etc., you are doing great job.

I do find few events in Dalian, It will be good if you can add even more Dalian events like places with live bands, concerts, travel tips from Dalian to nearest places etc.,

vvijay83 2016/12/27 05:04 #14

@Harry It will be good if you add a topic on "How to use Elema App to order food online". I found it interesting & will benefit more foreigners.

harry 2016/12/28 02:46 #15

@vvijay83 thanks for the recommendation. you use it(Elema App) a lot? is it like english-speaking friendly?

vvijay83 2016/12/30 03:32 #16

@harry , it is of course not english-speaking friendly. But i find it very useful at times, i use Pleco on screen dictionary to translate some dish names :) and they delivery it very prompt.