Launch of a New HR Forum in the Jin Pu New Area on January 10

Networking Events samuelronaldo16 published at 2020/01/09 07:43

Amcham North East Chapter is excited to begin this year with the Launch of a New HR Forum in the Jin Pu New Area on January 10, 1pm – 5 pm.  Creating a space for HR Professionals and Company leaders to Learn and network with each other. This forum will focus on Company Culture and Organizational Development.  Below are some topics we hope to explore.

• Optimize organizational capacity and efficiency to enable biz to win via shared learning in success and failures.

• Co-Create an inclusive workplace to attract, grow and retain the best talents with meaningful purpose fit with company culture.

• Engage individual’s essential and strength to reach ever-higher level of potential and biz performance to win in the marketplace.







We invite you to bring a business associate from a foreign invested company, as your guest. 

Please RSVP to Nancy Lu  at providing the following information:

1. Company name

2. Name and surname

3. Phone number.

LocationEpoch Technologies (Dalian) Co., Ltd. No. 20 North Fuquan Road Dalian Development Area, Dalian, 116630 China


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