Meetup 33: Wedding Tradition Around The World (Presenter Needed)

Meetups reginanicole published at 2015/11/12 06:21

Work with us as a presenter.

Marriage is a stage that most people will pass on their life. Do you know if every country has their own wedding custom and tradition? It's great if your future partner comes from the same country as yours, but what if it's different?


There are a lot of cross marriages within culture in Dalian, so now, Dalian Laowai is planning to make a meetup about it! However, we need your help AS A PRESENTER to make it wonderful!


1Participate As a Presenter

Help us to introduce the unique wedding tradition from your country! The spot is open for 3 presenters from any country!

What to prepare:

  1. Your knowledge about the wedding custom in your country.

  2. A PPT Slide for around 10 -15 minutes (preparation, facts, custom).

  3. Video, pictures or music.

  4. Wedding accessories (if possible)

1. 分享者:



  1. 准备关于你国家有关于婚礼习俗相关方面的知识;

  2. 准备大概十分钟左右的演示文稿(包括前期准备,一些事项和习惯);

  3. 影像、照片、或者音乐

  4. 如果有可能的话 找到一些婚礼配饰。

How to join:

Long press or scan this QR code below to direct you straight to the group for this activity organized by Dalian Laowai.


Some fun fact about Wedding Tradition around the world:

  1. Much like the modern tradition of feeding wedding cake to one’s spouse, in ancient Rome, couples pledged their unity by sharing food. Today a Japanese bride and groom drink sake together, Jewish couples drink from the same cup of consecrated wine, and Muslim couples eat from the same piece of candy.

  2. Because ducks mate for life, a Korean groom will ask a happily married friend to make him two small wooden ducks for his new household.

  3. In Bali, a bride holds a cloth in front of the groom, who strikes it through with a dagger, in a display of obvious symbolism

  4. In the United States, there is no law or religious dictate that says the bride must take the groom’s last name. However, approximately 70% of Americans agree that a bride should change her last name.

  5. In India, it is considered a form of protection and luck to be symbolically married to a tree.







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If you want to be our contributor, simply type Harry on his Wechat (luhe1987).

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