Looking for a Swedish or Denish Teacher

Offer a job Tanya published at 2015/11/23 02:54last from Tanya 2015/11/25 13:16

Hello everyone~  I want to learn some Swedish or Denish, since I'm really interested in Nordic history, society and business culture.  So I've a part-time job offer for a Swedish or Denish teacher here.

If you or your friend is a Swedish or Denish native speaker, who is interested in teaching/sharing/helping, please feel free to contact with me:  inshore@hotmail.com


I am a Chinese and can speak some English.

-- Time plan:  I'd like to learn once or twice a week, 1-2 hour every time. (or follow the teacher's recommendation)

-- The location: Hi-Tech Wanda Square or somewhere in Software park. (or teacher's preference place)

-- The payment:  two options blow, both ok for me:

    1. To be paid by the hour.

    2. If you want to improve your Chinese and like to exchange skills; I can teach Chinese for return.

Please:   inshore@hotmail.com

In total 3 replies
harry 2015/11/24 02:28 #1

I will share this @Tanya

harry 2015/11/25 05:26 #2

we have post in also in our wechat public account:


Tanya 2015/11/25 13:16 #3

@harry thanks~~~ :)