Waxing with Grace | 蜜蜡脱毛(英文版)
13 Foreign Films Come to China | 本月上映的外国电影 (中英文版)
Which one will you see?
September 7th AmCham Welcome Back Networking at Hilton-Conrad
On Thursday night, Dalian Laowai will attend the AmCham's night exchange at the C-Grill Restaurant which is located at the 2nd floor of Hilton-Conrad Hotel.
【Dalian Jobs】Positions for Native French & Spanish Speakers
Upgraded Green Cards for Foreign Residents | 《外国人永久居留身份证》(英文版)
China will upgrade identity cards for foreigners with permanent residency status to make them usable on a wider range of service platforms.
Squash!!! | 壁球 · 体验
It‘s time for Squash!
Что Вы должны знать перед тем, как снимать квартиру в Китае|租房常识(俄语版)
List of Consulates in Shenyang and Dalian | 各国驻沈阳、大连领事馆合辑(中英文版)
Клиника китайской медицины «Виктория» | 一家提供俄语服务的医院(俄文版)
Водительские права для иностранных граждан | 外国人如何在中国取得驾照(俄文版)